HPLC Analysis of Herbicide Metribuzin on Coresep 100 Mixed-Mode Column

Application description

Metribuzin (4-amino-6-tert-butyl-3-(methylthio)-as-triazin-5(4H)-one) is an herbicide used both pre- and post-emergence in crops including soy bean, potatoes, tomatoes and sugar cane. It is widely used in agriculture and has been found to contaminate groundwater. It acts by inhibiting photosynthesis by disrupting photosystem Metribuzin was analyzed on Coresep 100 mixed-mode LC column in reversed-phase cation-exchange mode. Retention time is controlled by amount of ACN, buffer concentration and buffer pH. Method is fast, robust and reproducible and can be used for analysis of metribuzin in various matrices (crops, soil, waste water, etc.). Various mobile phases can be used with Coresep 100 column to accommodate various detection techniques (UV, MS, CAD, ELSD detection). Core-shell mixed-mode columns provide a great combination of unique selectivity, speed, and efficiency.

Conditions of Experiment
Column: Coresep 100
Separation Modes: reversed-phase
Column Dimenstions: 3.2 x 100 mm
Mobile Phase: 30% ACN with 30 mM AmFm pH 3
Detection: UV 235 nm
Sample: 0.3 mg/ml
Injection: 1 uL
Flow rate: 0.6 mL/min
Class of compounds: Herbicide
Nature of compounds: Hydrophilic, Neutral, Polar
Compounds: Metribuzin